Seasonal Regulations
April through October 1st
One 10”-14” clay or heavy plastic pot of flowers per interment may be placed next to the monument/marker.
(Hint: Place rocks underneath the soil to help withstand the wind.)Cut flowers may be placed in an inverted in-ground vase provided by the Cemetery upon request ($25 per vase).
Adornments placed for major holidays are permitted for one week.
Birthday or Anniversary decorations will be removed after one day.
Flags are permitted on graves from one week PRIOR to Memorial Day through June 14th (Flag Day), and again on July 4th. When possible, place the flag in a flower pot/urn.
NO glass, breakable, or prong type objects are allowed.
November 15th thru March 15th
Wreaths on stands at least 36” tall will be the only decoration permitted.
Abbott’s Corners Cemetery Association reserves the rights to remove all flowers, wreaths or other decorations from burial places as soon as they become unsightly.
Thank you for your cooperation.